Fully insured
Full CCAB (Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist) and APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) member.
Dog training and behaviour in Farnham and surrounding areas in Surrey
Common problems include aggression, separation anxiety, destructive behaviour, excessive barking, lack of recall and pulling on the lead.
Any sound familiar? Get in touch!

Behaviour Consultations
Is walking your dog a daily source of panic and dread? Are you hiding in the bushes from other dogs just in case they rush over and turn your dog into a growling, snarling monster?
Dream of the days where you can go out for a coffee with friends without having to worry about your dog screaming the house down?
Fed up of your dog chewing the skirting boards to within an inch of its life?
Then a behaviour consultation is for you!
All behaviour cases are seen on vet referral, so please get in touch to find out more.
Check out the available packages below for the service that best suits you!
Dog Training
Fed up of chasing your dog across the park because they have decided the Cockerpoo the other side is their new best friend?
Tired of being dragged down the road as your dog tows you along?
Then training sessions are what you need! Check out the options below

Pack of 4 sessions
From £290
Want to work on an area which might take more than one session?
Have a couple of niggling problems you would like to get fixed? Then this package is just what you need!
The 4 sessions can be spread however you like and aim at progressing your dogs learning on with either one stubborn area or multiple areas.
One to One session
From £75
Want some top tips on how to get your dog to come back when called?
Would love to have a go t some fun tricks and enriching games for your dog?
Then a one hour session is for you!
This session can focus on whatever you would like, so get thinking about what you would like to teach your dog next!

Online Coaching
Do you want all the support for your dog training but don't have the time to commit to in person sessions?
Coaching has been designed with your convenience in mind. It can be really tough to find the time to schedule in in-person training sessions or stick to a regimented plan. Coaching is fitted around your lifestyle to make improvements in your dogs' behaviour easily achievable.
Online coaching involves:
60 minute diagnostic session via Google Meets where we will identify your goals and put together a training plan.
A spreadsheet to be completed each day.
Weekly WhatsApp check-ins so we can monitor your progress and keep everything on track.
Analysis of video footage and feedback.
Diagnostic phone call: £100
Monthly coaching: £75

Mentoring Programme
Personalised mentoring programme for aspiring behaviourists an trainers
£60 monthly
Are you wanting to become a behaviourist or trainer but don't know where to start? Then this mentoring programme is for you!
You will be supported in developing your skills in your chosen interest and challenged with complex cases to work through.
What's included:
Fortnightly virtual session delving into a case of yours, or an anonymised case of mine to work through
Support in business development
Help in deciding on further education/CPD
Personalised educational content in behaviour and training
The option to shadow me in live cases in Surrey
Access to a Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a certified behaviour mentor.

Gundog Workshops
From £45
Join our spectacular gundog workshops held on the most incredible estate in Bordon, Surrey. Teaming up with the incredible Louise Peach to offer you the very best of gundog training.
Beginner: For those wanting to dip their toe into gundog training and have some fun with their dog! You will learn all elements of obedience, retrieving and focus in challenging environments.
Advanced: This is all about adding challenges for you and your dog to develop those gundog skills. Dogs should retrieve, have a delivery to hand, be comfortable around shot and be steady. We will make use of a variety of ground including water, ditches and large distances.
Workshops held on the last Friday of every month.

Training Walks
A dog walking service with training in mind
From £30
Tailor made training walks for those who would benefit from some extra training support on walks.
We can help with:
Social skills
Lead walking
All while your dog gets to have some fun and explore!
Pick up and drop off included (location dependent)
Gundog Camp
All your gundog needs wrapped in a holiday!
3 days training only £300
Our Gundog Retreats are all about having fun training your gundog, spending time with like-minded people and relaxing on holiday!
We are proud to team up with Louise Peach who brings her incredible gundog training skills and fun and positive training style!
The retreats are located in Bordon, Surrey, and consist of two days of training from 10am-3pm, and a final day of training between 9-12 followed by fun gundog themed games and a barbeque!
Gundog skills covered include:
Challenging retrieves
Steadiness to shot
Complex handling
Work around water, obstacles and out of sight retrieves
And so much more!
The holidays are aimed around grade 4/5 with the Gundog Club.
This is a must for all gundog entheusiasts!
2025 Dates:
March 14th-16th ​
April 5th-7th

Training methods
Only the latest, reward based methods are used here at Surrey Dog Behaviour
Punishment based methods are not condoned, as we want to promote a positive, happy, long term relationship between you and your pet!
You can tell our methods are a hit by the smiling faces and wagging tails after each session!
Get in touch to book a service
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